Help us finish the year strong

Education protects and provides motivation for today as well as for tomorrow. Education is powerful in and of itself, but there are other assets it brings to the students. It brings security. The young female students who stay in school will not be given in marriage at an early age. They will not be placed […]
Global connection doesn’t just happen by chance.

That’s why The Adera Foundation values partnerships between Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the USA. We believe that every believer is equipped with God-given talents and Spirit-empowered gifts, and we invite them to join Adera’s mission to bring help and true hope to those in need. We love to help people use their gifts for God’s […]
Addis Ababa University In Ethiopia | Mission Trip March 2020
Coming to America

The immigrant story – it’s written into the fabric of the American story, often a hot topic in the media, and fiercely contested among citizens and politicians. But what makes an immigrant? What turns a citizen into an emigrant and then an immigrant? In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia there are those who dream of coming to […]
Scholarship for Success

Cheryl Isom reflects: “My latest trip to Ethiopia with Adera Foundation in February introduced me to a young man that I couldn’t help but admire. I want to introduce you to Schefferew. Schefferew is a servant leader. I met him in our feeding program at Hiber Primary School, and observed him both in October 2017 […]
Etagen Teferi, Adera Artisan

Meron Adassu, Adera Artisan

Tiru Alebachew, Adera Artisan