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Our Work

Adera is Making a Difference

In striving to bring about transformation for communities and to bring help and true hope to individuals and families in need, Adera Foundation is committed to programs, not projects. Programs bring about gradual, but lasting change. Projects, though they can be beneficial, often sacrifice lasting change for quick, short-term results. This means that the work of Adera is strategic and intentional. We focus our efforts on supporting successful programs that are already in place and beginning initiatives that we believe to be sustainable and beneficial to the long-term wellbeing of the communities we serve.


Because a strong education is the foundation for a strong nation, Adera is committing to helping parents and communities provide excellent education opportunities for children. Read More >


Adera is developing Income-Generating Activities to build sustainable incomes for our families. This includes ongoing vocational training, basket making, and workshops for artisans. Read More >


While committed to providing educational and economic help, Adera also desires to provide true hope by connecting families to the gospel and equipping them to know Him and His love for them in a personal relationship and not just in religion. Read More >

The path of a child through our program

Adera Daycare

3 Years Private Kindergarten

Private Education

Primary School (grades 1-8)

Parents' benefits of our programs